Now that the changing of the season is upon us, Mother Nature is getting ready to put on a display that she can only do and her friends are the trees, leaves changing color is an inevitable conclusion. So I urge artists to get out of the seclusion of the studio!
Get out and be a tree huger and share the natural beauty of Mother Nature and her friends...

Let nature transcend your mind into
a color frenzy of Artwork with such beauty to which we can only copy but never duplicate.
Fill a canvas full of the love of nature at its purest form...
The color exsplosion in nature need not be recreated as a scenic image of nature it can also be in abstract form, the main thing is to adopt your own method of interpreting nature in all it's glory!
I believe in my heart of hearts that an artist owes

far to often neglected, taken for granted, so I say get out and have fun creating your version of that beauty for it is forever changing!